Our Business

Ultraprecision micro processing, metal die/mold designing, and insert molding for various parts from micro small parts to large parts in the telecommunication and medical industries
Ibaraki Giken’s “Metal molding technology” can meet diversifying needs
Accumulated know-how and flexible ideas with always seeking the future that are supported by the integrated production system from R&D of new technology to die/mold designing, manufacturing, and stamping enables us to always create excellent products.
Automobile parts
Battery and earth terminals
Card case

Our Major Business
- Designing of high-precision press metal die and mold
(Various products from a tailor-made single product to ultra-mass production) - Production and sale of a precise press metallic mold
- Production of parts and sale of a precise press metallic mold
- Production and sale of precise pressing items
(Various parts from micro small parts to large parts for telecommunications, electronics, electric and medical) - Production and sale of a resin (plastics) fire formation artifact
- Production and sale of precise pressing items at foreign countries (Philippines)